Guerry Grune: Prophet of 3rd Rock

Guerry Grune: Prophet of 3rd Rock

“The artist is kind of a seer and by nature he is optimistic because he believes in the future.”
(Roy DeCarava)

Cassandra, mythological priestess of Apollo, had the gift of prophecy, to peer into days ahead and tell you if you should invade that empire or court that certain someone. Yet her curse was that no one believed her—and people continued their blind walk down the road of life without the benefit they could so easily have had. 

Back in 2003, Guerry Grune, founder of 3rd Rock Essentials, patented the world’s healthiest sunscreen—made from natural ingredients rather than chemical compounds—because he did his research, combined it with a razor acumen, and saw the future. Too bad more people outside of Duke University didn’t believe him—and moms and dads kept slabbing on the Big Guys' stuff full of bad things, seeping poison into their children and the Earth along the way.   

It would take fifteen years until Hawaii began to believe Guerry and, in 2018, because of damage done to their reef ecosystems, the enlightened islands banned Big Guy Sunscreen go-to’s oxybenzone and octinoxate. Key West soon followed. And moms and dads around the country finally are too. Because sunscreen should not mask and harm but protect and nourish. 

See, 3rd Rock Sunblock was the first and still is the best. We made our prophecy, paved the road—and people and planet are now benefitting from our science of nature

Guerry Grune is the mythological priest of skincare and 3rd Rock is its Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks should have listened to Cassandra. The modern world needs to listen to Guerry.

Grab some sunblock that Cassandra would approve.



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