3rd Rock Nerd Nook

Why Magnesium Citrate?
Have you tried Hangover Block & Liver Cleanse? There is a lot of herbal power packed into that little bottle. We also include our chelated silver oxide and Magnesium citrate....
Why Magnesium Citrate?
Have you tried Hangover Block & Liver Cleanse? There is a lot of herbal power packed into that little bottle. We also include our chelated silver oxide and Magnesium citrate....

Is the US Promoting Antiquated Sunscreen Science?
We at 3rd Rock love to be outside, at the beach, on the trails, surfing, hiking, riding, swimming, climbing. To keep being able to do this without fear of the...
Is the US Promoting Antiquated Sunscreen Science?
We at 3rd Rock love to be outside, at the beach, on the trails, surfing, hiking, riding, swimming, climbing. To keep being able to do this without fear of the...

Silver Differences - Chelated v. Colloidal / Io...
There are many types of silver to choose from, some examples being Colloidal, Ionic, Diatomic and our Chelated silver. Today, we want to show you our "Chelated v. Colloidal Silver"...
Silver Differences - Chelated v. Colloidal / Io...
There are many types of silver to choose from, some examples being Colloidal, Ionic, Diatomic and our Chelated silver. Today, we want to show you our "Chelated v. Colloidal Silver"...

3rd Rock Nerd Nook Brings More In-Depth Science
We're adding some white papers for the nerds amongst us! For our very inquisitive friends... enjoy the 3rd rock Nerd Nook where the science gets more "science-y". Grab your coffee, get comfortable, and...
3rd Rock Nerd Nook Brings More In-Depth Science
We're adding some white papers for the nerds amongst us! For our very inquisitive friends... enjoy the 3rd rock Nerd Nook where the science gets more "science-y". Grab your coffee, get comfortable, and...